Friday, October 24, 2008

Senior Quote

"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean"

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Evangelize" Oedipus

Since a good piece of literature always reaveals a truth, and all truth is God's truth, these truths can be applied as Biblical. "Oedipus Rex" introduces a number of poignant topics that traslate through a Christian perspective. One of these is the false notion that man can succeed on his own. In the play many characters try to take their fates into their own hands, whether that be by running away, shifting blame, or volitionally ignoring the truth, which always ultimately results in more pain and failure. Along with this comes the idea that man cannot escape sin either - outside of forgiveness from God, that is. The symbolic blindness comes into play here, represnting for Oedipus a purposeful ignorance of his wrongdoing and his tragic circumstances. Through the plot he moves from ignorance to awareness finally to a regression back into willful obliviousness because once he realizes the severity of what he has done, he wishes he had never found out. Rather than hide from our sin and try to disregard its existence in our lives, however, God encourages us to confront it and repent of it to Him.